Appendix 3

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Flag of the FIA

FIA Environmental Strategy – status report

SphereObjectivesOverall progress update and action plan
FIABy 2025, reduce our carbon footprint by 20%.Measure the FIA’s annual carbon emissions. Currently in development is a carbon reduction plan that contains measures to align with a 50% reduction trajectory by 2030.
FIAFrom 2025, begin a gradual integration of carbon removal technology as part of the offsetting plan.Carbon removal strategy to be decided in 2024.
FIABy 2025, integrate sustainability and sustainable innovations as key criteria (with a target of 25%) for all tenders linked to FIA Championships.Since 2021, the FIA has integrated sustainability into the evaluation criteria for the FIA Championship supplier selection. As of 2023, these suppliers represent 20 to 25%.
FIABy the end of 2025, reach ISO 20121 for FIA corporate events.In 2024, the FIA plans to develop a roadmap to achieve ISO 20121 by 2025. The approach will be tested at one of the FIA events in 2024.
MembersBy the end of 2025, provide an
incentive mechanism for carbon
neutrality early achievers.
Approach to be decided in 2024.
MembersBy 2025, all Sport & Mobility Members reach FIA 1* Environmental Accreditation or its equivalent. As of the end 2023, about 10% of Members are certified by
the programme. The support is reinforced from 2023 to help Members implement the programme and reach the set target.
ChampionshipsBy 2025, World Championships to put in place a carbon action plan. Currently, 4 out of 7 World Championships have developed a carbon reduction plan. The remaining 3 are expected to finalise theirs by end of 2024 or early 2025 at the latest.
ChampionshipsFrom 2025, all new FIA-sanctioned Championships to commit to carbon neutrality.Approach to be decided in 2024; ensure alignment with latest definitions of carbon neutrality and/or net-zero.
ChampionshipsBy the end of 2025, create a platform within FIA Championships promoting the automotive technology of tomorrow with a special focus on environmental considerations (such as carbon capture, hybrid, or electric engines).Approach to be decided in 2024.
ChampionshipsFrom 2025, begin integrating 100% sustainable fuels in World Championships.In accordance with the Championship Energy Roadmap, developed in 2021 and updated at least annually, only sustainable fuel will used in all World Championships from 2026. As of 2023, seven World Championships use 100%
sustainable energy.
ChampionshipsBy 2025, all FIA World Championships
to reach 3* FIA Environmental
Accreditation or its equivalent.
As of end 2023, 131 of all stakeholders are certified.
ChampionshipsBy 2025, develop technical standards for all FIA World Championships aimed at reducing the environmental impact of motor sport.For 2024 and 2025, we aim to develop more specific technical requirements centred around circular economy. This will help us understand the cars’ impact at different stages of their lifecycle.
NetworkBy 2025, develop strategic partnerships with climate-related initiatives, such UN institutions or climate related NGOs.Approach to be decided in 2024.
NetworkBy 2025, become an observer organisation at the COP.The FIA was admitted as Observer to the UN Climate Change Conference at COP 28 in November 2023.
NetworkBy 2025, implement an annual Smart Cities Start-Up Challenge focusing specifically on the environment.Approach to be decided in 2024.
NetworkBy 2025, have 2 million road users taking part in the FIA Smart Driving Challenge.Total of 4,489 users between 2019 and 2023, resulting in approximately 13% emissions reductions. Key promotion of
the app at COP28 as key global initiative to help reduce CO2 impact from mobility.