
#77 Mercedes-AMG Team Craft-Bamboo Racing / Mercedes-AMG GT3 / Maro Engel (DEU) - Ambience -FIA GT World Cup - 70th Macau Grand Prix - Guia Circuit - Macau -

The FIA is committed to supporting its Members as they build and consolidate their sustainable development approach. We listen to the needs of our Members and continually strive to improve the support we offer. 

In the following section, we outline the results achieved in our flagship programmes and actions developed for Members. 


FIA Environmental Seminar in Oman – February 2023

The FIA organised a seminar to help Members apply the FIA Environmental Strategy. The Seminar was hosted by the Oman Automobile Association (OAA), alongside 14 other clubs from the region, in February 2023. This seminar resulted in concrete progress; all represented members are now in the process of reaching the first level of FIA Environmental Accreditation.

Two dedicated FIA Environmental Accreditation for Members (sport and mobility) sessions were organised alongside the FIA Conference in June 2023. 

These initiatives will continue to be developed in 2024 and beyond. Climate change represents a major global challenge, so reinforcing FIA Members’ environmental management and helping organisations become more resilient is crucial.

The FIA will continue to work towards its target of all Members reaching 1* FIA Environmental Accreditation or equivalent by 2025, through various educational and awareness raising activities. 

Grants Programme

In 2023, the FIA grants programme continued to support members in implementing sustainability initiatives. Grants dedicated to sustainability and environmental programmes came to 203K €, with 40K € allocated to sport activities and 163K € allocated to mobility activities. 


The FIA Sport Grant Programme works with Sport Members to strengthen motor sport activities and achieve sustainable motor sport growth. The programme has a ‘social responsibility’ pillar, which is used to fund ASN projects related to campaigns, advocacy, and social responsibility programmes, including those in the field of Environmental Sustainability. In the 2022- 2023 call for applications in this field, we selected the following project which was co-funded in 2023: 

Real Federación Española De Automovilismo (RFEDA – Spain): the development of a sustainability strategy, the development of a carbon footprint tool,the measurement of the club headquarters’ carbon emissions and the carbon emissions from 4 events (from the Spanish Karting Championship and Alternative Energies Rallye). See more details on dedicated website


In 2023, the FIA Sustainable Mobility Programme made the decision to co-fund four projects to the sum of over 163K €. These were funded under two streams: Advocacy, and Innovation. The projects started in 2023 and continue into 2024. 


Projects can receive funding under the Advocacy stream, if they seek to raise awareness and strengthen a Club’s position as advocates for more sustainable mobility. This year, the Road Safety Institute « Panos Mylonas » (Greece) and the Automobile and Touring Club of Nigeria (ATCN – Nigeria) received Advocacy funding.


Larger-scale innovation projects which aim to promote sustainable mobility technologies and services can be funded through the Innovation stream. This year, the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC – Germany) and AIP Foundation (Vietnam) received funding through this funding stream.

Climate Action Award

The FIA President’s Climate Action Award was launched in September 2022. The award celebrates innovative solutions, mitigation measures and bold actions that help Club members, and the wider community, to tackle environmental challenges. The award is meant to act as a catalyst for other initiatives around the world, uniting Member Clubs in a collective movement that will spark innovative ideas, inspire the FIA community, and change mindsets. 

Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC – Germany) was granted the Climate Action Award in 2023 for its project “ADAC Pendlernetz – powered by twogo”, a ride-sharing platform designed to reduce traffic and emissions around major sporting events.

ADAC Sport President, Dr Gerd Essner, said he was “delighted” to have been recognised by the FIA and added:

With the app and the new opportunity to visit sporting events together, we are offering a sustainable solution to reduce transport emissions.

FIA Environmental Accreditation Progress

The Environmental Accreditation Programme (EAP) helps FIA stakeholders to measure and improve their environmental performance. Based on best-practice environmental requirements and the leading roadmaps within environmental management, the Environmental Accreditation Programme provides a clear framework with which members can accredit their activities. The FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme offers 3 levels of certification, from basic to best practice, suitable for all stakeholders. 

In line with the FIA Environmental Strategy, the FIA strongly promotes the EAP among the FIA Members and supports them in achieving FIA Environmental Accreditation. The goal is that all Member Clubs will reach at least 1-star by 2025, and 3-star by 2030. The team is aiming to achieve this both through direct conversation with Clubs and through regional capacity building.

Throughout 2023, the FIA continued to develop the Environmental Accreditation Programme with 7 new members certified:

  • Belize Automobile and Touring Association (BATA) – 1 star certification
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club (BIHAMK) – 2 star certification
  • Canadian Automobile Association (CAA Niagara) – 2 star certification
  • Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India (FMSCI) – 1 star certification
  • Lithuanian Automobile Sport Federation (LASF) – 1 star certification
  • Real Automobil Club de Catalunya (RACC) – 3 star certification
  • Automobile Association of South Africa (AASA) – 1 star certification

In addition, the following members renewed or upgraded the level of accreditation:

  • Motorsport Australia – 3 star renewal 
  • Touring & Automóvil Club de Colombia (ACC) – 1 star renewal 
  • Dansk Automobil Sports Union (DASU) – 3 star certification 
  • Organización Mexicana De Automovilismo Internacional (OMDAI) – 2 star certification 
  • Knac Nationale Autosport Federatie (KNAF) – 3 star certification

This brings the total number of accredited members to 27, marking significant progress. 



#48 Mercedes-AMG Team Landgraf / Mercedes-AMG GT3 / Raffaele Marciello (CHE) - FIA GT World Cup - 70th Macau Grand Prix - Guia Circuit - Macau -